Package kitchen

Manipulate counts matrix files and cook scRNA-seq data from command line



Resources and utility functions

Manipulate .h5ad files and cook scRNA-seq data from command line


Custom plotting functions for data in pd.DataFrame, anndata.AnnData, and decoupler formats

Functions for processing and manipulating .h5ad objects and automated processing of scRNA-seq data


def add_label(args)

Uses .obs_names from filtered counts matrix to add binary label to a reference anndata object, "True" = present in filt, "False" = not present. Overwrites reference .h5ad file.

def concatenate(args)

Concatenates list of anndata objects in .h5ad format, keeping union of genes

def info(args)

Prints information about .h5ad file to console

def knee_point(args)

Labels cells using "knee point" method from CellRanger 2.1

def recipe(args)

Full automated processing of scRNA-seq data

def rename_obs(args)

Renames .obs columns in anndata object, and overwrites .h5ad file

def subset(args)

Subsets anndata object on binary .obs label(s), saves to new .h5ad file

def to_h5ad(args)

Converts counts matrix from flat file (.txt, .csv) to .h5ad

def transpose(args)

Transposes anndata object, replacing obs with var, and overwrites .h5ad file